
Our concept is promoting wellness through incorporating Ayurveda in preventive, curative, palliative, and rehabilitative aspects.





Life Synergy’s SthanikB Kit offers one time, hygienic, easy and ready-to-use experience for Sthanik Basti karma.
Sthaink Basti Karma as the name implies is performed at the location of the affected organ and help removes dosha from the same organ e.g. Janu, Kati, Manya and Hrud Basti.

The pack contains
Dhanvantar tail- 100 ml
Black gram flour-150 gm
Cotton pad-6 X 6 inch
This is a readymade and single-use kit.

SKU: SthanikB-Dhanvantar Category:


Sthanik Basti Karma (Performed on targeted organs)
Life Synergy’s SthanikB Kit offers one time, hygienic, easy and ready-to-use experience for Sthanik Basti karma.Sthaink Basti Karma as the name implies is performed at the location of the affected organ and help removes dosha from the same organ e.g. Janu, Kati, Manya and Hrud Basti.

Janu Basti
Janu Basti is one of the most popular and effective Ayurvedic therapies for acute or chronic knee pain. The knee joint is called Janu Sandhi in Sanskrit; hence the name Janu Basti is given to the procedure done on knee joints. In this the knee joint is bathed with warm medicated oil. Depending on the condition it can be practiced over both the knee joints or on one knee joint. Knee joints are considered as sandhi Marma in Ayurveda (joint type of vital areas) which measure about three fingers (three anguli pramana).So the janu basti is specialized knee therapy or massage which rejuvenate the janu marma.

Janu- which means Knee joint, & Basti is the compartment used for holding. This compartment in the form of a pool is made from flour of black gram. The warm herbal medicated oil is poured on the flour pool placed on the knee for about 30 to 45 minutes. The legs are massaged before doing the Janu Basti and after that steam is given.

How it works-

  • Reduces pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the knee.
  • Increases blood circulation in the area of knee joints.
  • Increases lubrication of the joint & improves mobility and flexibility.
  • Rejuvenate the knee joint & makes the knee joints stronger.
  • Keeps a check on the swelling and inflammation in the knee joint.
  • Prevents degeneration and breakdown of the joints.

Benefits in conditions-

  • Pains of the knee joint.
  • Osteo-Arthritis of the knee joint.
  • Knee injuries & knee immobility.
  • A great treatment for athletes, hikers, and for the aging.

Kati Basti
Kati Basti is a lower back pain treatment in Ayurveda. In Sanskrit, ‘Kati’ means the lower back and ‘Basti’ means retaining something inside. Kati Basti is a soothing treatment where a large quantity of warm herbal oil is retained on your lower back to relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation.

In Kati Basti, the benefits of the treatment come from the herbal oil. The warmth and pressure of the oil allows deeper absorption into the muscles, tendons and ligaments, relaxing spasms and reducing pain and stiffness.The herbal oil will be selected according to condition and can focus on pain relieving, anti-inflammatory or strengthening actions.

The external application of warm herbal oil plays a major role in Ayurvedic treatment. Herbal oil is a transport mechanism for delivering phytoconstituents into deeper tissues. When the warmed herbal oils are applied in treatment, the pores of the skin are opened due to the warmth. This allows the healing properties of the phytoconstituents to deeply penetrate the affected tissues.

It is a procedure in which comfortably warm medicated oil is kept over the lumbosacral area or any adjacent part for a certain period of time with the help of a specially formed frame ring prepared from black gram powder.Its uniform temperature is maintained throughout the process by replacing warm oil in Kati Basti Pool.
The oil is kept for 30-40 minutes.

How it Works-

  • Relieves Pain, swelling and inflammation, stiffness.
  • Soothes the nerves supplying the low back and legs (lower limbs).
  • Enhances blood supply to the low back area.
  • Strengthens the low back (bones, muscles and soft tissues therein).

Benefits in conditions-

  • It is helpful in painful conditions caused mainly by Vata Dosha, usually in degenerative diseases.
  • Chronic and acute backaches, Prolapsed disc.
  • Lumbar Spondylosis, Osteoporosis, Sciatica.
  • It nourishes the root and second chakra thereby helping to improve libido, urinary problems, prostate problems, and menstrual problems.

Manya Basti
Manya (Greeva) Basti is a soothing neck therapy where a generous quantity of herbal oils are retained on the neck to relieve occasional pain, inflammation, and stiffness. The warm herbal oil allows absorption into muscles, ligaments, and tendons, thereby relaxing the neck and healing any underlying conditions, calming pain and stiffness. The therapy additionally de-stress the entire body.

An enclosed wall is made from black gram flour and herbal powders is placed across the nape (back of the neck). Warm medicated oil is placed up on the neck inside the herbal paste boundary. Temperature is maintained uniform throughout the procedure This process is carried out for 30 minutes.

How it works-

  • It eliminates the Vata disorder around the neck area.
  • It makes the vertebrae and muscles of the neck stronger.
  • Calms and nourishes the nerves, bones, and muscle tissue.
  • Relieves pain and discomfort.
  • Stimulates nerves and blood supply.
  • Improves flexibility, enhances ease of movement.

Benefits in conditions-

  • Cervical Spondylitis.
  • Disk prolapse.
  • Sprains and strains.
  • Tension headaches and migraines.
  • Used to reduce any type of numbness or spasm near the neck area.
  • Any type of Neck pain, frozen shoulder.

Hrud Basti
Hridaya (Hrud) Basti is one of the most powerful and effective treatments in Ayurveda that aids in the healthy functioning of the heart. Hridaya Basti is also known as Uro Basti, The Ayurvedic treatment helps to nourish, strengthen and balance the heart functions and rejuvenate the area of the heart.

A dough container is placed over the heart area & the medicated warm herbal oil preparation or freshly prepared herbal decoction or medicated ghee is poured over the heart region for about 30 minutes – 1 Hour. At the end of the procedure a gentle massage is done on the heart region.

How it Works-

  • Pacifies aggravated Vata dosha in the chest region.
  • Nourishes and Strengthens the cardiac muscles; thus, rejuvenate the heart.
  • Regulates cardiac functions.
  • Relieves deep seated repressed stress, anger and grief.
  • Improvesblood circulation and breathing.

Benefits in conditions-

  • Heart Disease.
  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Valvular disease.
  • Mitral valve Prolapse etc.
  • The treatment also works effectively on degenerative heart conditions.
  • Stress and anxiety.

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 15 × 10 cm


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